HayCo Pride's Queer Culture Celebration is an intergenerational, intercultural event taking place during Queer History Month that centers on the intersection of arts, culture, and history for the LGTBQIA2S+ community of Haywood County, NC and our kin all across Appalachia.
The event will feature...
- An interactive experience co-creating a community quilt mural, representing the intersection of cultural identities for Appalachian LGBTQIA+ folks with Sensory-Friendly inclusive hours before noon.
- A community resource fair and free market, focused on providing gender & sexuality affirming services and material goods without a cost barrier or burden
- An immersive History Archive experience to launch HayCo Pride's multimedia archive of Haywood County LGBTQIA2S+ history
- An art show organized and featuring youth artists
- An ancestral memorial to honor and pay respects to our LGBTQIA2S+ ancestors
- And more!
To get involved or learn more, please visit www.haycopride.com